Month: April 2020

Do Bed Bugs Carry Diseases and Can They Make You Sick?

Do Bed Bugs Carry Diseases and Can They Make You Sick?

The last couple of decades have seen a surprising and robust return of bed bugs to our American homes. Once considered all but extinct these insect bloodsuckers have had a startling resurgence, with reports of infestations coming from both urban-rural communities. It seems that no community is totally safe from these invasive parasites. The recent […]

NYC Public Housing Under Siege by Bed Bugs

NYC Public Housing Under Siege by Bed Bugs

Over the last few years, New York State has made some advances in the fight against bed bug infestations. Once firmly placing in the top three of bed bug-infested states, New York has managed to work its way down to the bottom of the top ten. That’s still not much of a bragging point, but […]

Where Do Bed Bugs Like to Hide?

Where Do Bed Bugs Like to Hide?

Bed bugs have been enjoying a major resurgence over the last few decades. Indeed, since the 1990s reports of bed bug infestations have skyrocketed across the country and around the globe. New York City alone has seen a 2000% rise in bed bug activity over the last 15 years. That’s a staggering statistic, but it […]