The very thought of being fed upon by bed bugs is enough to make most of us squirm in our seats as we reflexively scratch at some phantom itch, When it comes to unwanted pests bed bugs have certainly earned their place at the top of just about everyone’s hit list. But like it or […]
Do Bed Bugs Carry Diseases and Can They Make You Sick?
The last couple of decades have seen a surprising and robust return of bed bugs to our American homes. Once considered all but extinct these insect bloodsuckers have had a startling resurgence, with reports of infestations coming from both urban-rural communities. It seems that no community is totally safe from these invasive parasites. The recent […]
NYC Public Housing Under Siege by Bed Bugs
Over the last few years, New York State has made some advances in the fight against bed bug infestations. Once firmly placing in the top three of bed bug-infested states, New York has managed to work its way down to the bottom of the top ten. That’s still not much of a bragging point, but […]
Where Do Bed Bugs Like to Hide?
Bed bugs have been enjoying a major resurgence over the last few decades. Indeed, since the 1990s reports of bed bug infestations have skyrocketed across the country and around the globe. New York City alone has seen a 2000% rise in bed bug activity over the last 15 years. That’s a staggering statistic, but it […]
What To Do When You Find A Single Bed Bug In Your Home
Imagine this scenario. You’re home, puttering around the house, when you notice something out of the corner of your eye. It’s just an odd little speck on the duvet, probably nothing more than a bit of fluff. You just need to reach out and brush it away. But when you take a closer look you […]
Are You Sharing Your Rideshare with Bed Bugs?
Lyft, Uber and Sidecar are just a few of the businesses that are making ride-sharing a worldwide phenomenon. So much so that recent statistics demonstrate that these companies are now servicing more travelers than traditional taxis. But there are always unforeseen consequences. While ride-sharing apps and entrepreneurial drivers offer consumers a previous unknown flexibility in […]
How to Wash Clothes that Have Been in Contact with Bed Bugs
People tend to think of bed bugs as being confined to sleeping areas. While mattresses, sheets, and bed linen are an obvious destination for hungry bed b bugs they are by no means their sole habitat. Bed bugs can, and will, take up residence darn near anywhere in your home. They can live in furniture, […]
Bed Bugs – When and How Often do they Feed?
Bed bugs have increasingly become a nationwide epidemic over the last few decades. Once considered a thing of the past, these parasitic bloodsuckers have returned with a vengeance and are now one of the most invasive pests facing American families. If you’ve ever had the misfortune of experiencing a full-scale bed bug invasion you’ll know […]
MTA Dealing with 2nd Bed Bug Infestation at Queens’ Subway Control Tower
New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) is coming under fire from commuters and employees after bed bugs were once again found at the Continental Master Control Tower in Forest Hills. This is the second infestation at the facility over the course of several weeks. The previous infestation, which forced the facility’s closure due to fumigation, […]
Bed Bugs and Electronics – How to Protect and Clean Your Devices
Bed bugs are tiny creatures, and they are possessed of the ability to squirm their way in to almost any space. There are very few areas of your home or office that are immune from bed bugs, and if necessary they will choose any hiding place that they feel will protect them from predators. While […]