There was a time, not too long ago, when bed bugs were the stuff of childhood rhymes. “Goodnight and don’t let the bed bugs bite” was whispered at bedtime all over the country. But these troublesome pests have made a major return to our homes and bedrooms. So much so that even mentioning the beasts […]
Moving? Don’t Bring the Bed Bugs with You!
The question of moving to escape a bed bug infestation is complicated. First of all, moving house to avoid any pest is an extreme reaction. Especially if you own your own home. And let’s be real here – most of us can’t afford to just pull up stakes and move whenever the mood strikes us. […]
Second-Hand Furniture, Bed Bugs and You
I was chatting with a friend the other day. She manages a number of rental properties. A combination of commercial and residential units. One of them is a quadplex located in a small neighboring college town. She tends to rent to a lot of students who don’t want to live in the dorms. It’s a […]
DIY Bed Bug Repellants – How to Keep the Bed Bugs from Biting
The first thing you do (hopefully) when you find bed bugs in your home is to call in a professional exterminator. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – the sooner you take action the sooner you can get back to a bed bug free life. But bed bug removal does take time. […]
A Landlord’s Guide to Bed Bug Insurance
If you’re the owner of a rental property the last thing you want is a call from your tenant telling you they’ve found bed bugs. It’s not just a headache. It’s a potential nightmare. And likely a costly one. Regular pest inspections and maintenance can go a long way to protecting your property. However, there’s […]
The Life Cycle of the Bed Bug
If you find bed bugs in your home your first instinct is to get rid of them as quickly as possible. But to fully eradicate a bed bug infestation you first have to understand what you’re fighting. And to do that you need to know a little about the life cycle of one of the […]
How to Get Bed Bugs Out of Your Mattress
Just the idea of bed bugs can leave us cowering in our beds. Unfortunately, hiding under the covers isn’t much of a defense. In fact, it’s probably the worst place for us. Those blood-sucking pests are most often found in bedrooms. Heck – it’s how they got their name. Bed bugs tend to be found […]
Can the Right Plants Keep Bed Bugs Away?
Ask any experienced gardener and they’ll tell you that planting specific plant varieties in your garden can help to keep pests away from flowers and vegetables. It’s a common gardening technique to both protect small gardens and reduce the need for pesticides. But are there any plants that actually repel bed bugs? And could they […]
Don’t Let Bed Bugs Spoil Your Spring Break
It’s that time of year again. Time for students around the country to set aside the school books and enjoy some well deserved break time. Yep, spring break is here again. While some kids will head home to see the family (and catch up on laundry and hot meals) others will hit the road to […]
How Do You Get Rid of Bed Bug Eggs?
The first thing you learn about bed bugs is where there’s one there’s sure to be others. More importantly, perhaps, there’s sure to be bed bug eggs. Getting rid of bed bugs is one thing, and we’ve talked at length about the various methods exterminators use to eliminate bed bugs. But bed bugs eggs are […]