Hitting the local gym or yoga studio is certainly a good way to stay in shape. It’s not only good for the body, it’s good for the mind. While we all want to look and feel better there are hazards that come with a regular workout routine. No, I’m not talking about muscle strain. I’m […]
How to Treat Bed Bug Bites – A 7 Step Guide
Bed bugs are insidious parasites that feed off the blood of their human hosts. The sneak out in the middle of the night, bite their unsuspecting victims, and then scurry back into hiding. The resulting bites typically present as small welts, often appearing in zigzag clusters on the victim’s body. The effect of a bed […]
How to Avoid Bed Bugs at Summer Camp
You don’t need me to tell you that the last couple of summers have been – well – unusual. Let’s just leave it at that. But this year, thankfully, thinks are closer to normal. Maybe not one hundred percent, but closer than we’ve been for a while. That means this summer kids will be packing […]
What You Should Do if You Find Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room
One of the more common ways people encounter bed bugs is when they’re staying in hotels or motels while on traveling on holiday or for work. Hotels, motels, and even high end resorts have long been hot spots for bed bug activity. Unsuspecting travelers often pick up stray bed bugs while passing through these locations, […]
Bed Bug Infestations May Have a Direct Impact on Mental Health
The introduction of powerful and effective pesticides in the middle of the 20th century substantially reduced the incidence of bed bug infestations across the United States. So effective were these pesticides that generations of Americans grew up never encountering one of these blood-sucking parasites. But as international travel became more common, and toxic insecticides were […]
Bed Bugs Found on NYC Subway…Again
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Bed bugs can, and will, turn up just about anywhere. Case in point. Last month bed bugs were discovered on the venerable New York City subway. On the D-train to be specific. Of course, this isn’t the first time New York City’s public transport system has […]
7 Bed Bug Prevention Tips for Summer
Are bed bug infestations worse during the summer? It’s a common question, and the answer is somewhat complicated. First, it’s important to understand that bed bugs are active all year round. Unlike some insects they do not hibernate during the winter months. Having said that many pest control services do report seeing an uptick in […]
How to Perform A Home Bed Bug Inspection
You shouldn’t wait until you start noticing itchy red welts on your skin before you start thinking about inspecting your home for bed bugs. Maybe you’ve recently stayed at a hotel or resort only to find out later that there was a bed bug problem at that location. Perhaps you spent a weekend at a […]
Are Apartments at a Higher Risk for Bed Bugs?
Bed bug infestations in the US are at an all time high. Both residential and non-residential properties are increasingly vulnerable to these pests. It seems that no place is safe. But are some properties more vulnerable than others? That’s a tricky question to answer. We know that bed bugs are parasites. They rely on human […]
5 Rules for Avoiding Bed Bugs in Second Hand Furniture
Spring is struggling to push old man winter out of the way for the year. Soon it’ll be time to throw open the windows and give the house a good going over. A big part of the annual spring cleaning ritual is parting with some things that we’ve finally grown tired of. We donate them […]