Category: Bed Bug Inspection info

New York City Now Ranks 3rd for Bed Bug Infestations

New York City Now Ranks 3rd for Bed Bug Infestations

New York City has topped a lot of lists in its time. It’s been singled out as tops in culture and nightlife; fine food and live music; diversity and creativity. The Big Apple has even topped the list of most popular branded merchandise. But there are some top ten lists no city wants land on, […]

What is a Bed Bug Addendum and Why Should You Want One?

What is a Bed Bug Addendum and Why Should You Want One?

There was a time, not so very long ago, when bed bug infestations were something of a rarity. In fact, there are generations of Americans that grew up with little or no experience of these blood-sucking pests. Bed bugs had become hardly more than characters in nursery rhymes and bed time stories. But those days […]

What are the Bed Bug’s Natural Predators?

What are the Bed Bug’s Natural Predators?

Bed bugs don’t exist in a vacuum. Like every other living creature on Earth they are a small part of a large and complex ecosystem. And like any other creature in that ecosystem they have their own place on the food chain. They have, in short, a variety of natural predators. Predators that are more […]

How to Find Bed Bugs During the Day

How to Find Bed Bugs During the Day

Bed bugs are nocturnal pests. They hide by day and hunt by night. That can make finding bed bugs a challenge. Not only are they small and stealthy, but they’re also smart enough to stay out of sight during the day. When we’re all fast asleep, tucked up warm in our beds, these blood-suckers come […]

5 of the Strangest Places to find Bed Bugs

5 of the Strangest Places to find Bed Bugs

Adult bed bugs are roughly the size of an apple seed. That’s small, but not so small that they can’t be seen by the naked eye. So to survive bed bugs have had to learn how to hide from their hosts. That talent allows them to evade detection by their hosts and survive long enough […]

Are Bed Bugs Hiding in Your Storage Unit?

Are Bed Bugs Hiding in Your Storage Unit?

Bed bugs can turn up in some pretty surprising places. Most of these places make sense when you think about it. Homes, offices, and public buildings all see a lot of human traffic and as we know where people go bed bugs are sure to follow. But these pests can also turn up in places […]

Does Our Skin Hold the Key to New Bed Bug Repellants?

Does Our Skin Hold the Key to New Bed Bug Repellants?

Bed bugs have become one of the most pervasive pests in North America. Over the last few decades we have seen a staggering uptick in bed bug infestations throughout the country. Homes, businesses and public spaces are all vulnerable to attack. The rise in bed bug activity has also brought a renewed interest in the […]

Can You Get Bed Bugs Through the Mail?

Can You Get Bed Bugs Through the Mail?

There was a time, not so very long ago, when the lowly bed bug had been all but eradicated in North America. Or so it seemed. Bed bug infestations were few and far between and at least one generation had grown up never experiencing the stress and irritation of living with these blood-sucking parasites. Unfortunately, […]

A Brief History of Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs

A Brief History of Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs

What can be said about man’s best friend? Dogs have been by our sides for literally thousands of years. They have been our constant companions and help-mates; our guardians and protectors; and our comforters in times of distress. While there is some debate over the precise timing and location of their first domestication it’s clear […]