To the best of our knowledge, bed bugs do not carry or spread diseases to human beings. That’s the good news. However, it doesn’t mean that a bed bug infestation can’t adversely impact the health of you and your family. Long term exposure to bed bugs can, and often does, have a profound effect on […]
Category: Bed Bug Inspection info
How to Protect Your Business from Bed Bugs
Over the last several decades there has been a troubling resurgence in bed bug infestations throughout the country and around the world. Pests that were once close to extinction are now one of the most common call-outs for exterminators and pest control experts throughout the United States. We tend to think of bed bugs as […]
Is Your Dirty Laundry a Magnet for Bed Bugs?
The last several decades has seen a marked resurgence in bed bug infestations, not just in the United States but around the world. This has resulted in a renewed interest in the study of these pests, in the hopes that understanding bed bugs better will allow us to better prevent and eliminate infestations in both […]
5 Bed Bug Hotspots that Might Surprise You
There was a time, not too terribly long ago, when the average American family had little to fear from bed bugs. These invasive pests were the stuff of bedtime stories and nursery rhymes. Something to scare the kiddies with when you tucked them in at night. But those days are long gone. Bed bug infestations […]
Will Your Renters Insurance Cover a Bed Bug Infestation?
Bed bugs are a particularly invasive pest. They can, and will, turn up just about anywhere. Apartment buildings are especially prone to infestation. With multiple families living in close proximity, each with their own habits and exposure rates, it’s easy to see how a colony of bed bugs could gain a foot hold in the […]
Everything You Need to Know About Bed Bugs and Used Cars
Buying a used car can be a great way to save some cash. And these days saving money is at the top of just about everybody’s list. But buying second hand can have its pitfalls. The car might turn out to be a lemon. There might be hidden problems with the engine or the electrics. […]
5 Bed Bug Facts Everyone Should Know
Everybody hates bed bugs. It may be the only thing we all agree on. These blood-sucking parasites have little to recommend them, and lay even money even the most dedicated entomologist finds them difficult to love. But bed bugs have been with us for hundreds of years, and it’s unlikely they’re going to disappear any […]
Busting 6 Common Bed Bug Myths
Bed bugs are a pest that has plagued humanity since the first cave dwellers conquered fire. They have, quite literally, been with us since our very beginnings. They have evolved alongside of us, going where we go and settling where we settle. At times we have been able to win minor skirmishes in the battle […]
5 Benefits of Professional Bed Bug Treatments
When people suspect they have a burgeoning bed bug infestation on their hands the first thing they do (aside from freak out a little) is look for ways to get rid of the problem. But bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eliminate, especially with over-the-counter treatments. While just about every supermarket and hardware store in […]
How to Protect Yourself from Bed Bugs When Traveling – A Post Covid Review
Over the past year or more traveling has been a luxury that few of us could enjoy. Circumstances being what they were, cross-country travel came to a virtual stand still. International travel was even more restricted and for a time we were all limited in where, and how far, we could travel. One of the […]