I was chatting with an old friend over the weekend. She’s living out of state now, and has just moved into a new apartment. It’s an older building, an early 1900s mansion that’s been turned into flats. She had fallen in love with the place, at least until she started talking to some of her […]
Category: Bed Bug Inspection info
What All Parents Need to Know About Toddlers and Bed Bug Bites
No parent wants to discover that they and their children are sharing their home with a hungry colony of bed bugs. Unfortunately, bed bug infestations are becoming increasingly common, and families all over the country are waking up to find that their homes have become host to an invading force of these blood sucking little […]
Are Bed Bugs Ruining Your Weekly Workout?
It seems like everyone is trying to keep fit these days. We’re all eating more sensibly, watching our carbs, and hitting the gym as often as possible. It’s a healthy trend (if you’ll pardon the pun) and one that’s well worth championing. However, hitting the gym is not without its hazards, and I’m not talking […]
Understanding Different Bed Bug Treatments – Heat vs. Insecticides
When you suspect your home of business has become host to a colony of bed bugs your first instinct should be to call in a professional. It’s the smart move, and is the first step to successfully dealing with what can obviously be a harrowing experience. Trying to battle bed bugs on your own is […]
Bed Bugs and Summer Camp – What Every Parent Needs to Know
The long hot days of summer are upon us, and it’s time to have some fun and make some memories. School’s out for the year and children everywhere are tossing aside their schoolbooks and are getting ready to head off to summer camp. It’s the annual adventure they’ve been looking forward to for months. A […]
How to Avoid Bed Bugs in Your College Dorm
College dorms are prime targets for bed bugs. Just think about it. You have students coming from all parts of the country, as well as from overseas, all of them settling into life away from home on the university campus. Before too long the dormitories are filled to capacity, with the student residents packed into […]
How to Prevent Bed Bug Infestations at the Office
Bed bugs are typically thought of as household pests, and the lion’s share of advice is targeted at preventing and eliminating bed bugs in the home. However, these blood-sucking creatures recognize very few boundaries when it comes to looking for new places to invade and fresh opportunities to feed. While they might prefer to set […]
The Pitfalls of DIY Bed Bug Treatments
If you walk into any hardware store or big box retailer in America you’ll find an aisle dedicated to do-it-yourself pest control. The shelves will be filled with row upon row of insecticides, pesticides, traps and repellants. Depending on where you live you’ll probably also find a smaller, though no less impressive, selection of all […]
How to Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs with You When You Move
If you’ve ever had the misfortune of experiencing a fully-fledged bed bug invasion than you know just how intrusive these blood-sucking little creatures can be. They will, quite literally, get into everything you own. Not just the beds and carpets, but your furniture, clothing and other personal belongings as well. It’s one of the main […]
A Short Guide to Finding a Bed Bug Free Apartment
Finding the perfect apartment can be a real challenge and, frankly, there’s a lot to consider before you put pen to paper and sign that lease. First off, you have to think about the location. Is your potential new flat close to work? Is it in a walkable area, or are you going to need […]