Tag: pest control

The Effectiveness of Heat Treatment for Bed Bug Infestations

The Effectiveness of Heat Treatment for Bed Bug Infestations

Over the last several decades bed bugs have become a significant public health concern. No longer a pest of the past, they are enjoying a massive resurgence, infesting homes, hotels, and public buildings throughout the world. Chemical treatments, once the go-to for pest control services, face certain challenges when it comes to modern bed bug […]

Tips to Protect Your Kids from Bed Bugs at Summer Camp

Tips to Protect Your Kids from Bed Bugs at Summer Camp Bed Bug Free Fun at Summer Camp

It’s that time of year again. School’s out, the heat is coming on, and summer camps are filling up with excited campers. For a week or two kids can forget about homework and classes and concentrate on the great outdoors. A little hiking, a little swimming, and the chance to make some lasting memories. It […]