The Benefits of Professional Bed Bug Laundry Services

Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eliminate once they’ve infested your home. These parasitic insects can hide in a variety of places throughout your house, including mattresses, furnishings and clothing. One aspect of bed bug eradication that rarely gets the attention it deserves is handling infested laundry.

Bed bug laundry services are now being offered to help address this challenging, and often neglected, part of bed bug pest control. If you’ve never been faced with bed bug infested laundry you’ve been lucky. But if you have a burgeoning bed bug problem now’s time to review the importance and benefits of professional bed bug laundry services.

The Importance of Bed Bug Laundry Services

Bed bugs tend to hitch rides on clothing, bed linens, and other fabrics. It’s one of the ways they spread throughout a household. During a large scale infestation traditional washing and drying routines may fail to reach the temperatures necessary to kill bed bugs as well as their eggs. Professional bed bug laundry services offer a comprehensive approach to decontaminating clothing and other fabrics. It is an essential part of ensuring total eradication of these troublesome pests.

When you choose to use our bed bug laundry service you help to prevent the spread of bed bugs to other areas of your home. This is particularly important for anyone living in multi-unit dwellings such as apartments where untreated infestations can quickly spread between units.

Bed Bug Laundry Process

Bed bug laundry services can be a welcome aid when you’re battling a home infestation. In order to prevent a secondary infestation it is important to kill bed bugs and their eggs wherever they may be hiding. Left untreated clothing and linen can spark that second wave of an infestation.

The process is simple though it includes a few key steps:

  • Collection and Inspection – We collect any infested laundry and thoroughly inspect it to determine the extent of the infestation. This is necessary to identify heavily infested items that may require special treatment.

  • Pre-Treatment Sorting – Infested items are sorted according to material and level of infestation. This is an important step that ensures any delicate items are treated appropriately and that heavily infested items receive more intensive treatment.

  • High-Temperature Wash – Infested laundry is washed at temperatures exceeding 140°F. This is sufficient to kill bed bugs at all life stages from egg to fully grown adult.

  • High-Temperature Drying – Laundry is dried at high temperatures to ensure that any remaining bed bugs and or eggs are fully eliminated.

  • Post Treatment Inspection – Once the laundry has been washed and dried it is inspected once again for any signs of bed bugs or bed bug eggs. This inspection helps to verify the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Packaging and Return – Finally, your laundry is carefully packaged to prevent re-infestation during transport and returned safe and sound

The Benefits of Using a Professional Bed Bug Laundry Service

The benefits of using a professional bed bug laundry service are easy to see. Just of those benefits include:

  • Effective Elimination of Pests – Our laundry service uses high temperatures and specialized treatments to ensure that all bed bugs, as well as their eggs, are killed. This reduces the risk of re-infestation.

  • Saves Time – Dealing with a bed bug infestation is time consuming under the best of circumstances. It can also be very stressful. Using a bed bug laundry service allows you to focus on dealing with the infestation at its source.

  • Professional Experience – Bed bug removal experts are trained to deal with all aspects of an infestation. That knowledge and skill ensures that treatments are effective and safe.

  • Prevents Spread – By using professional services you can help prevent the spread of bed bugs into other areas of your home or to other locations. This containment is particularly important in shared living spaces.

  • Peace of Mind – Following a successful treatment you can rest assured that your clothing, linens and other fabrics are free from bed bugs and safe to use.


Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be frustrating. Bed bug laundry services help to reduce some of the stress and anxiety while providing an effective solution to infested clothing and linens. Utilizing high temperatures, specialized treatments, and hard-won experience these services ensure that bed bugs and their eggs are totally eradicated.

Using a professional bed bug laundry service not only saves time and effort, it also helps to prevent the spread of bed bugs and reduces the likelihood of recurring infestations. But beyond helping to eliminate bed bugs professional laundry services help to take away some of the stress associated with a home infestation.

Published by Scott Palatnik

We are Bedbug Inspection & Elimination specialists.
From Manhattan to Montauk and all points in between.
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