If you’re trapped in the middle of a full-scale bed bug infestation your first impulse is to protect yourself from these blood-sucking parasites. The bites, and subsequent itchy rashes, are the most immediate problems facing you and your family. We’ve talked tips and treatments for bed bug bites before. But are there any tried and […]
Tips for Reducing the Number of Bed Bug Hiding Spaces in Your Home
In most cases it is necessary to bring in a professional pest control service to safely and effectively deal with a bed bug infestation in your home. It’s the surest way to completely eradicate your bed bug problem. However, once you have eliminated the infestation there’s no guarantee that the bed bugs won’t return. That’s […]
Does a Bed Bug Infestation Change Your Home’s Biological Environment?
Bed bug infestations are known to cause both physical and psychological harm to families caught in their clutches. The bites and the itching can take their toll. Eliminating an infestation typically takes time, patience, and a fair bit of financial investment. But is there more to a bed bug infestation that we should be aware […]
Top 5 Bed Bug Hiding Places
More often than not the first signs of a bed bug infestation are the appearance of bites and rashes. It’s only after these pests start to actively feed on members of our family that we begin to notice how they’ve invaded our personal spaces. It seems it takes a few midnight feeding sessions before we’re […]
How Long Until You Can Return to Your Home After Spraying for Bed Bugs
When bed bugs strike there is no time to delay. Left untreated a bed bug infestation can rapidly grow into a full-scale emergency. The sooner you call in a professional bed bug inspector the sooner you can identify the infestation and move to eliminate it once and for all. Time is of the essence. But […]
What Should You Do If Your Neighbor Has Bed Bugs?
When it comes to household pests none are quite so devastating and frustrating to deal with than bed bugs. Once bed bugs stake their claim on your home or office it can be a very real challenge to remove them. Bed bugs are resilient, and they can withstand many of the types of attacks that […]
NYC Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs are Headed for Retirement
New York City’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development will soon bid a fond farewell to two of its most trusted and stalwart employees. Nemo and Mickey, two miniature beagles working the bed bug beat on the department’s code enforcement team will soon be headed for retirement. The pair of champion sniffers has been hunting […]
How Long Can Bed Bugs Survive Outside?
With the growing number of bed bug infestations across the country people are becoming much more interested in the behavior of these blood-sucking little parasites. How do they reproduce? What are their feeding habits? Where in the world are they coming from? One question we hear a lot is “Can bed bugs live outside and […]
Local Law 69 – Annual NYC Co-op and Condo Reports Due
New York is one of the hardest hit areas of the country when it comes to bed bug infestations. In fact, the state has consistently ranked in the top five for bed bug activity over the last several years. Unsurprisingly, New York City has become one of the hotter spots in the state. So much […]
7 Simple Home Remedies for Bed Bug Bites
Bed bugs are parasites. They need to feed on the blood of mammals in order to survive. Their preferred hosts are human beings. In a pinch, the bed bug might feed on other warm-blooded animals. But all things being equal humans remain their primary source of sustenance. When a bed bug feeds it naturally needs […]