It’s a new year, and that means a good many of us will be moving into a long cold stretch of winter. The days are short and the nights are long; and the temperatures are sure to dip closer to the single digits before we can celebrate the coming of spring. In other words – […]
5 Lesser Known Bed Bug Hot Spots
Where do people most often come into contact with bed bugs? If you ask a majority of people the most common answer will probably be ‘hotels’. It’s a good answer, and hotels and motels are indeed one of the hottest of hot spots for bed bug activity. But they are far from the only places […]
How Long Does it Take for Bed Bug Bites to Appear?
When a bed bug bites someone it’s highly unlikely that the victim will fee the attack at the time. In the majority of cases the victim doesn’t feel the bite, and doesn’t exhibit any definite signs of being bitten, until well after the bites have occurred. The time it takes for a bed bug bite […]
How to Make Bed Bugs Come Out of Hiding
There are a few characteristics that define the common bed bug. We’re all well aware of the first, and probably foremost, characteristic – they feed on human blood. But bed bugs are also notorious for being champion hitchhikers. Using their hosts to transport them to new and more rewarding environments. Finally, bed bugs are masters […]
French Government Fights Parisian Bed Bug Invasion
Bed bugs have once again become a major pest problem affecting cities throughout the United States. But American homeowners aren’t the only ones coming to grips with an ongoing invasion of these blood-sucking parasites. European cities are facing their own bed bug invasions, and one of the hottest of the international hot spots is the […]
Can Bed Bugs be Confined to One Room?
Bed bugs are small sedentary creatures entirely dependent upon the blood of their hosts for sustenance. Their mobility is relatively restricted; they can neither fly nor jump and are fairly slow when compared to other predatory insects. But in spite of these limitations bed bugs have no trouble keeping up with their human hosts. They […]
Are Bed Bugs Attracted to Certain Blood Types?
Bed bugs feed on the blood of their human hosts. That taste for blood probably tops the list of reasons people find bed bugs so repulsive. But if bed bugs feed exclusively on human blood, do they develop preferences for specific blood types? In other words, is a bed bug more likely to choose one […]
7 More Bed Bug Myths that Need Busting
The first thing people realize when dealing with a bed bug infestation is just how little they really understand about these blood-hungry little pests. Sure, everyone probably knows that bed bugs are parasites. We know that they feed on the blood of human hosts. It’s probably also a good bet that most of us have […]
How to Prevent Bed Bug Bites from Leaving Scars
The very thought of being fed upon by bed bugs is enough to make most of us squirm in our seats as we reflexively scratch at some phantom itch, When it comes to unwanted pests bed bugs have certainly earned their place at the top of just about everyone’s hit list. But like it or […]
Do Bed Bugs Carry Diseases and Can They Make You Sick?
The last couple of decades have seen a surprising and robust return of bed bugs to our American homes. Once considered all but extinct these insect bloodsuckers have had a startling resurgence, with reports of infestations coming from both urban-rural communities. It seems that no community is totally safe from these invasive parasites. The recent […]