Scott Palatnik

Home Buyers Beware – Schedule a Bed Bug Inspection Before Closing the Deal

Home Buyers Beware – Schedule a Bed Bug Inspection Before Closing the Deal

Moving into a new home should be a time of great excitement for you and your family. After all, you’ve spent months consulting realtors and visiting properties until you’ve finally found the perfect house to make your new home. It should be a dream come true. But nothing can turn that dream into a nightmare […]

New York City Buses Quarantined Due to Bed Bug Infestation

New York City Buses Quarantined Due to Bed Bug Infestation

When we talk about bed bugs we tend to think immediately of houses and apartments. It would seem unlikely to hear about bed bugs invading public transportation, but that’s just what seems to be happening at the Kingsbridge Bus Depot. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has recently pulled half a dozen New York City buses […]